So HHHIIIII anyone who is reading this.
My life has been a complete train wreck over...say...the past three months. So chaotic I tell you. And most in part to...dundundun...MONEY!!
I have so many necessities to buy and what do ya know. No money to pay them bloody things off.

I have finished I'll Enjoy You On The Sideline and for all you readers that, well, read it I am currently in the works making a possible sequel. Did I spell that right?

Also I have come up with this idea of making a story on each Avenged Sevenfold guy cause well. I ABSOLUTELY ADORE ALL OF THEM!!! *sigh*
Yeah, so with that series I was hoping some people out there would be willing to message me describing themselves/or a character they like so I'll put them in my story. The more descriptive the more likely I'll chose you (aka. less thinking for me haha)

I've been thinking about how my life is going recently and have come to find out. I have a LOT of flaws.

Just random thinking right there. And sometimes I wish I could pause time. That'd be SOOOOO awesome!
July 24th, 2009 at 02:17am