Problems I Have With Mibba

1) You are not notified of comments on your poems or journals.

Am I the only one that finds this a teensy bit annoying? I mean, how come it can't just use the same system as the stories do?

2) You can't search for genres

When you submit a story, you check the little boxes of which genres it corresponds to, but there is no way that you can search through genres. So what's the point of checking those little boxes anyways?

3) The story rating system sucks.

The way the system is now, basically, as long as you've got one comment, you get a star. What if that comment was telling you that the story sucked?
If you get 50 readers, you get another star. What if those readers only glanced at your first paragraph and left? What if they hated your story?
I know that currently, i have about 130-something readers, but only 40-something of those actually read all the way to my current chapter.
I clicked on a story with 10 stars today, thinking 'oh gee, this must be a pretty good story.' I clicked away after the two chapters.
My point: The system is very crude.

4) Updates are slllloooowwww.

You know how when you click on one of your own stories using the links over there--->
you're taken to a page that lists all of the chapters and how many people read each chapter? Yea, that page updates like, once a week. Which is not very pleasant for people with a lack of patience. Like me.

5) Evony?

Those little ad things at the top of the page. What the hell is Evony? All I can understand is that each add constitutes of 1) a medevial woman's cleavage, 2) a really weird phrase like "Play now, my lord" (everytime i see this i say "I'm a woman, dammit! out loud.) and 3) a button saying 'PLAY' and in tiny letters underneath, something like 'unnoticeable now!'

What the hell? I have to say, personally, its the cleavage that bothers me the most. What would my mother think if she walked into my room while I was innocently perusing Mibba, to see cleavage decorated the top of the page...PORN.

And there you have it. Five reasons why Mibba bothers the hell outta me. And yet, I like it well enough...its like, an annoying sibling. With cleavage.
July 24th, 2009 at 02:52am