I drink my tea like I drink my vodka... POLAR BEARS!!! [spew spew]

Ah, would you look at that. I'm back. Yeah yeah yeah... I know.

You all hate me? I'm sorry, I truly am. TRULY!!! I promise to make it up to my readers, I mean it. I'll do my best to be more active cause honestly, you guys are all I have left to confide in.

Y'see, let's start here


Well, as some of you know, I am a musician. I was in a few bands, but the one I was most active in is falling apart. The rhythm guitarist is selling his amp for quick cash and mr drummerboy is moving on. So there I am left, bandless.

I also happen to have had some tough -fucking- times. The girl I was with I had to let go. I mean it. I am still in love with this girl who doesn't even like me anymore. It has been a year or so since I have even talked to her in person. I'm such a freak :3

Anyway, I'm doing my best to forget about her. I'm thinking about asking the girl I was with back out after I finish settling my fluttering heart. Oddly enough It think she still wants to date me after all I have put her through and that alone makes me admire her. I'd have dumped my ass to the curb and hired a midget gangster to kick my ass with an ostrich.

BUT! But for some reason she is like. Hanging out with my mother. That. That annoys me. Like today, she and my mother had lunch at a chinese restaurant together. I know they are probably trying to hook me and her back up, but that is really weird. It doesn't really bug me too much, but it's a WTF moment.

Back to the point. I love you guys. I want you to know that. All of you. Every fucking one of you. C'mere and give me a hug.


July 24th, 2009 at 06:02am