Bisexuality - real or just some fad?

What's your take on it?

Most everyone (who's not an ignorant ass) knows that people don't choose to be heterosexual or homosexual, they just are. And yet I constantly hear that bisexual people are a joke. They say that bisexuality is just some pathetic attempt at sticking your fingers in both pies: a lie, a fad, a phase.

And in a lot of cases, I agree -- so many teens have started calling themselves bisexual just to seem 'cool'. Yet saying that all bisexuals are just confused and experimenting seems like an unfair generalization.

I don't understand why anyone would choose to be bisexual, just like I can't imagine anyone choosing to be gay or trans. Life would be a lot easier if we could all fit into the simple heterosexual life that dominates our culture.

Now don't get me wrong, bisexuality at first glance seems fairly easy, you can have whoever you want, boy or girl, it doesn't matter.

But am I the only that seems to think that once you come out as bi a lot of straight people no longer regard you in the same manner they once did? And even though LGBT includes the B it seems that a lot of lesbians and gays aren't exactly accepting of bisexual people (or trans people but that's a whole other rant). They make it seem as though bisexual people don't really belong because they're not legitimate minorities.

So bisexual people seem to be part of both the gay and straight worlds but don't really fit in either one. It's a little like being of mixed ethnicity -- A light-skinned black person, one who could pass for white is looked down on in the black community as not being a real member, as having an easy time. And in the white community they seem a bit at odds as well.

So, what's your opinion? I happen to be genuinely bisexual so I get annoyed by people's attitudes at times.

For the record, this journal entry is not trying to say that this is how it is with everyone but I have noticed it quite a bit and just thought I'd have myself a little rant. I'm never quite as eloquent as I hope to be so I don't think I'm fully stating exactly how I feel but I think you get the idea.

Bottom line, I'm so sick of labels and cliques and such. Gay, straight, bi, trans, black, white, purple, green, just shut up already and respect one another.

Okay. I think I'm done now. If you took the time to read this whole thing I salute and pity you all at once. Sorry for the random rant.


P.S. These are a few interesting articles to take a look at with different opinions:

Straight, Gay or Lying? Bisexuality Revisited

Women's bisexuality an 'identity,' not phase

Bisexuality: The Vogue Sexuality

Obviously, there are countless others but that's a start.
July 25th, 2009 at 02:44am