Talents and People We Look Up To...

Hmm... Everyone has they're own talents right? Most people have two or more. Mine? Singing (I suck though.. But to everyone else I sound great), writing, drawing, and guitar (Im still learning but I can play Sugar We're Goin Down ok) I mean... Everyone is unique. Some people can paint and some can build. It's these talents that we should use together to help each other. Do we? Some people do but then there is also people who fight over everything and nothing. This why we have problems in the world... Well in my eyes.

Now people we look up to. Me... I look up to and love Patrick Stump. (Never heard of him? Google him.) He has amzing talents and is just wow. He can... play guitar, bass, drums, trumpet, and keyboard. Not to mention he has an amazing voice. He produces songs and cds... He's an impersonator... He is amazing in my eyes...

I got bored and tired lol... bye!
July 25th, 2009 at 06:05am