A Moon that silently sings + Cow time + My insecurity + confusion + Loving guys who play piano + Revision = a very distraught and out of controll Nanc

What a way to start off the term!
And where to begin??

The Moon is Silently Singing
Is currently our study for Music Works in School.
Composed and arranged by New Zealand's very own David Hamilton, it was a gift for Mark Dunford's 21st birthday. -Wow! A song for a present!! I want one! xD-
Yeah, anyway. Inspired by a spanish poem written by Miguel De Unamuno.

Hamilton really is a genius. I know only a small proportion of you out there listen to this type of music. But I'll tell you now. It sounds really boring when you first listen. But I, have had the priviledge of studying it. And... It's so ... clever!! I really don't know how to describe it. I guess it's just one of those pieces which you just cannot explain its complexity, and beauty.

But you know, the questions we have to answer for the internal are really really annoying.
I mean, for instance, the instruments used in the piece are strange to put it simply. Two SSATB choirs and 2 horns? Hamilton really is creative. Yes, naming the instruments are easy. But explaining how they are used?? Man.
And you can't go 'because blah blah blah' now either. You actually have to have observations and conclusions to explain the 'how' part.
This is seriously doing my head in.

Cow Time!
We're going on a geo trip to a dairy farm in week 4? Yeah. It will be... so strange lol. Walking.. learning about cows xD
Nah. tbh. I've found this topic really interesting. I feel I'm finally starting to connect with Geography as a subject now. Even with my crazy and annoying teacher.
So the Trip will be great. Can't wait!
Mum warned me that I shouldn't stick too close to the cow's butt because it may kick me and i may faint smelling it's fart.
Um... personally, I didn't really think getting that up close and personal with one of NZ's most valued assets was on my agenda, but Sure, I'm going to keep that in mind.

Insecurity + Confusion
I'm lost, I really am. Boys are honestly really hard to crack. So he's not happy. And.. we've been extra nice to him, not in an annoying way but just to cheer him up. And we do know that he may not appreciate it. Oh he appreciates it alright. He just decides to be horrible to me on somedays and extra extra nice on other days. It's driving me insane! And it's making me ultra confused!
(I know.. strange use of the word 'ultra' I've never done that before.. lol) I have to move on from this. It's so unhealthy. Each day of this past week, I've gone home screaming ranting and venting about at least one particular thing. And it's not just moaning or complaing either, I've been really angry! Anger takes a lot of energy you know.. and all this analysing my feelings.. eh.
Sometimes I don't know what to think anymore.
Mind you, I think too much on a daily basis anyway. I need to stop thinking.
See what I mean about it being unhealthy? Set me free someone..

Loving someone who plays piano
Not in that way.
He's my anchor, He's one of the only things keeping me sane atm. It's.. magical how he plays. He puts so much emotion into his pieces. His composition brings tears to your eyes, and his interpretation is all it takes to make you blubber all over the floor in amazement. Yeah, we're doing creative writing this term as well, so I'm trying to practice my skills. xD
Seriously though, he's that good. And I look up to him. Literally xD
Yesterday I was page turning for his duet thing, and he asked me to teach him a song. Both of us couldn't fit on the piano stool so I was leaning over the edge of my seat to show him the chords. But you know, cuz of the awkward position, It made reaching the bigger chords even harder than usual. He is a genius though, even though he barely knew the piece, he could sense when I needed the pedal, and used it for me. So there we were, making music together -very very simple music, I might add- and it was this sense of unity I felt, and support. Which reminded me that there would always be people on my side, supporting me. Thank-you F. You have no idea how much I appreciate it. =]

Got Mock exams this term. No study leave though. I shouldn't be scared, I'll pass. But I don't know how to start really.. By getting off this and revising.. I know.. but yeah. It takes a heck lot of motivation you know. I usually study by having a study book and copying all the facts into it. That way. before the exam, I'll only look in one book which will have everything in it. Smart huh?
Well, it's always worked for me, so yeah.
Cue cards and stuff seem too much effort for just terms and definitions. I've also found that revising in a kinetic way. I.e whilst dancing or walking can also be very useful. I guess it relaxes you or something. And there's Colour. Oh man. I love colour, and so does my brain. Dunno where I'd be without it. Lol
I prefer to study with friends. It makes the whole journey alot less lonely. =]
Yay for Study Buddies!

Well anyway.. I've... had enough of distractions from my Hamilton assignment. So thanks for reading! -Those who bothered to read xD
July 25th, 2009 at 06:53am