Oh when you need me the most.

it's currently 3:25 a.m as i write this. i'm not tired because i'm reading perhaps one of the most...love indulging stories to ever grace the internet. i'm seriously loving it that much. crazy, the stomach butterflies and need for more. you really can't resist the pull.

i'm in an internal battle on reading the last part or finishing tonight which will probably take another twenty to thirty minutes. so far, i want to savor the feel and try impossibly to read tomorrow.

as i'm reading i'm also working on a story. it's saved onto my computer as 'We all have our secrets baby'. the title could be misunderstood since you don't know the story line, but i'm not sure i'm telling.

let's to a bit of ranting of somethings important, some not. shall we?

Jonas Brothers World Tour. i got tickets for August 8th. the next level up from floor in about row 15? i have to look at the tickets again. anyway, i wish i could've gotten soundcheck tickets, but then again i don't. a chance a Meet and greets woud be awesome though. my first Jonas Brothers concert ever. actually my first ANY concert ever. i saved myself for these guys! haha, seriously and i even waited for the world tour so my first time would be pretty great. gahh, why does this sound like sex? new subject.

NO MORE SUBJECTS, sleep is eating me up right about.....now.

song: If I Only Had The Heart
+& Kiss&Sell.
--The Maine.

qoodniqht&qoodbye. for now.
July 25th, 2009 at 12:34pm