Soup cans?

I'm well aware of all the talk about labels. You probably are, too. Whats up with all the discussion?

I've seen many people use the phrase "I'm not a soup can, don't label me!" Is everyone else really this concerned?

Personally, I don't mind being labeled. I'm not saying it's a good thing, and I'm not saying it's a bad thing, I'm just saying that sometimes it's unavoidable, or it fits the scenario to do so.

For instance, if someone was to ask one of my friends, "Who is christine?", I'm pretty sure my friends would say something along the lines of "Oh, Christine? She's the scene kid in our science class. You know, the really stupid one with purple hair?"

Ok, maybe not exacty like that, but you get the point. Labeling someone doesn't necessarily mean they fit to that stereotype. My friend Sydney will readily tell you that she's an emo kid, but she doesn't dress or act like what you think some emo kids would. I don't think labeling someone would be demeaning or embarrassing, so why do some people not like it? You should be comfortable with who you are no matter what. If someone decides to put you in a label, don't let it stop you. Just be who you are.

Also, would someone please tell me their personal views on why they DON'T like labels? I'd really like to see the other side of this. Thanks!
July 26th, 2009 at 03:25am