I have silly obsessions.

-British accents
-Oli Sykes
-Tom Sykes
-Matt Nicholls
-Curtis Ward
-Lee Malia
-Gerard Way
-Mikey Way
-Frank Iero
-Bob Bryar
-Ray Toro
-Alex Glaskarth
-Ben Gibbard
-Beta Fish
-Family Guy
-Donnie Darko
-the Holocaust
-Save Darfur!
-Love 146
-to Write Love On Her Arms
-Red plastic cups
-Sexual inuendos
-Fan fiction
-Bubble wrap
-Ben & Jerry's americone dream
-Baseball games
-Getting hurt at concerts(it just makes the experience so much better)
-Showing off battle scars
-Ryan Ross(though not so much anymore)
-Lukas Panosous
-Anything related to Disney
-Books about people in mental hospitals
-books about drg addiction
-Books written in verse
-the boy who broke my heart. :'( </3

And the list goes onnnn and onnn

Now that I think about it.
These aren't obsessions.
They're just things that i love and hold close to my heart.
things apart of my everday life.
things I don't know that I could live without.
Things that just make up my life.
They make me, me.
Why i'm writint about this?
No damn clue.
i never know why i write about the things i write about.
July 27th, 2009 at 07:28am