Re-introduction. I haven't been here in ages.

that would be me.

I sort've forgot about mibba. Then I was sitting around on my day off from work yesterday and finally remembered it. Huh.

So I'm back. (:

None of you will remember me, I know that. I've changed a lot since coming on here. Plus I wasn't really ever that popular when I was on here.

I'm not too much of a writer, myself, because when I try they're failed attempts, seriously. I'm more of a reader. I like horror stories, and I don't know if much are on here, but let me know if you have one.

Anyway, more about me.

I could definitely be classified as a geek. I spend half my life playing video games, namely Resident Evil. That game is my addiction. Resident Evil 4 is amazing, and I've beat it many times. Know it like the back of my hand.

Music-wise, I go for industrial and industrial metal. My favorite band is definitely Rammstein. Followed close by God Module, Static-X, and System of a Down.

I'm an extremely honest and opinionated person, almost to an annoying point. If I don't like you, I'll let you know. If you ask for my honest opinion, I will give it. It's that simple.

That doesn't mean I'm a terrible person, though. My friends say I'm one of the sweetest people on earth, but I don't really agree. I'm a bit of a butt. (;

I'm addicted to gore and zombies. Both fascinate me and make me extremely happy. Don't ask me why, because I don't honestly know. Nobody, not even me, understand it. p:

That's about all I can think of right now. If you wanna talk then go ahead. Like I said, I'm not a terrible, awful person. I don't bite. (:

Yeah. Hello again, mibba!
July 28th, 2009 at 04:51am