I encourage all of you

Every single one of you to pick the one show.
The one concert that sticks out in your mind as the best.
The most amazing night. The night you can't, won't, and hope to god you never forget.

And go through your computer and find those crappy vids you shot from that night. Search for those shaky blurry shots. If you didn't have your camera, go on youtube. That's what its there for. [:
Go on there and look for those videos. No matter how long ago the show was. The older the show, the better. I swear to god. It's fucking amazing.

I'll paint the scene for you.
I'm sitting here. 11:39 at night. everyones gone to sleep. and i just youtubed the my chemical romance show i went to in 2007. Almost two years ago. This amazing girl posted every song they played that night. And i had the strongest rush of memories and emotion.

Sitting here mouthing the words to every single word like its two years ago and im standing there in the crowd. Reliving every second and feeling so alive. An insanely goofy smile plastered on my face. My throat burning from (now whispering) screaming every line. Basically almost crying during the song i cried to 2 years ago in the middle of the crowd. Same exact emotions running. Fucking electric, i swear.

It was just so wonderful to be able to visit the night that i call the best one in my short life. Two years later, late at night, sitting alone and falling in love once again. With those songs, that voice, the lights, the energy, the emotions, the guitars, the drums, the piano. Everything.

And i dont even really believe in god. I don't think so. But sitting here. I thought, I thank god, if he's there. I thank him for those 5 guys in that band.
I thank him for me being so lucky to have had that experience. For my parents being so supportive of this obsession i have for my chemial romance. As supportive as they can at least. For me being able to know their music. For mcr for even being a band. I thank him for having something great in my life. Something so great so i can have nights like these.

I'm so so rambling. But I'm on a fucking high right now, i swear.
whoo. baby.
July 28th, 2009 at 11:58am