Purpose For The Pain coming out soon!

I can't wait for "Purpose For The Pain" to come out, it was the story that literally began TWLOHA. Renee, the author, posted a small excerpt for people like me who want it so bad. Check it out below.
Scratch and Dent Sale ('03)

I handed you the key to let you in
You never told me you wouldn't
Leave anything standing
(You left nothing standing)
You trashed everything and
Took all that I had
The sad thing is I would have
Given it to you if you asked
(Why didn't you ask)?
So now I sit here amidst the rubble
And I think that I blend in
My heart broken- in pieces
Scattered meaninglessly across the floor
A pathetic trail that leads only to you
(And I won't follow)
And I'm damaged goods
Mark the price down
Red line sale- fifty percent off
(Cause no one buys)
Who will want me now?
But go ahead to your trophy room and add one more to your collection
Another check on your pricy
Shopping list- and now on to the next item…
(Is that all I am?)


You can find the full blog that includes the excerpt at her myspace.
July 29th, 2009 at 01:51am