Deleating stories.

I am guilty of it. I just did it again just now, and I really feel kinda bad about it. Feels's kinda like betraying a friend or someone important in a weirdish sense. It's more of the, this isn't going anywhere. I can't do a single thing with it, might as well get rid of it, kinda thing.
I'm not all horrible. I take all stories I delete and copy and paste them into a document on my computer for safe keeping, but still. The last story had a few subscribers, but it really didn't matter to me until I'd already gottan rid of it. Wowwie, I must be insane.

Anyway the whole reason for me sitting here typing/saying this is I'm wondering if anyone else has a mental process or something they go through before or after they delete a story. Yep I'm insane, but I really don't know.

So basicly, is deleting a story off mibba or any internet site a big thing to you?

i wonder if this is long enough.....
I'm going to hit the button now and check.
July 29th, 2009 at 02:49pm