Could someone make me a story banner?

I got no reply in the banner requestion thread, so I thought that perhaps someone else could help me out...

I'd like to request a story banner, obviously.

Story title: Hear the sound of the rain, this world is driving me insane
Some info on the story: it's a love story, about two homeless people finding each other in the dark.
Who I want on it: Quinn Allman and wiL Francis.
Pictures: Either the pictures I linked, or any other pictures of Quinn and wiL. Maybe there should be rain in the background... or a dark alley or an empty road.
Colors that I would like on it: Black and grey, kind of dark...
Mibba usernames on it: Hi5ulation & Nicotine Sweat. (It's a co-writing.)
July 29th, 2009 at 07:11pm