Okay so, its been a while, huh?
I've decided to put So Far Away on hold. I am going to rewrite it because there are some details that I missed in a few chapters and everything got screwed up because of the amount of time in between updates.
Buuut, I do have many new story ideas and after this weekend I'm going to start writing again. I will try to work on the plot of some of the stories I have in mind, but my grandma has been up my ass about cleaning my room so she can come over this weekend and vaccuum (like I can't do that myself?). Plus, I'm going camping this weekend (oh joy).
Hopefully I can get a lot done next week because I would really like to have at least one full story finished before school starts. Which reminds me, I doubt I will be able to update very much once school starts because, well, it's Junior year. Do I have to say much more?
I'm taking AP Psych (killmenow), Physics, Pre-Calc, English III, Italian Hnrs IV, and US History II. I also am going to be doing Italian Honor Society and I really want to put a lot of time into that so it looks good for college. So once school starts, I'm gonna be on overload. Anddd, to top it all off, I have to work after school in order to pay for a $3500 trip to Italy.
I feel like a complete nerd, but it'll be worth it in the end :)

PS. It's thundering, I wanna stand out in the rain lol. That was like an ADD moment lmao.
July 29th, 2009 at 07:43pm