July 30th -Hair cut day

Hey everyone!

The topic of your journal has to be something worthwhile and can’t be silly spam. You need to put effort into your journals.




Today, im getting my hair cut.
Im keeping my naural color-blonde
I've never died my hair b4, so todays new.
Im getting it cut, with kidnda emo bangs,,with pink streaks!

Soooo nervous! :s Wish me luck! ♥♥

Yeah....I'm eating a bagel :]

You know what? Imma talk about my best friend for life-
dropdead Darlin .x3 -Bridget-

Bridget could possibly be the most happiest person on earth [Besides Bella-Fay] and could write the sexiest, funniest, happiest, things you could ever read. She's a wonderful drawer too! She's really good at doing her hair and make up and picking out outfits, and i think shes one of the prettiest girls i know. She has a great bf whos going in high school [:o shes in grade 8 she gotta high school bf! xD]

Bridget could possibly be the most darkest, meaniest person on earth [Besides Jasper] and she could write the most scariest, darkest, sad, goriest things you could ever read. She writes dark poetry and dark pictures too. She is scene and a little emo princess. Meant in a cute nice way hunny! xD Sometimes she scare the crap outta you :l

I boob you Bridget! xD (. Y . )

P.S- Everyone else--don't ask O.o
July 30th, 2009 at 04:15pm