A cricket touched my arm D:

So I was about to sleep, sort of, with lights off,
listening to my ipod -- the only light source in my room.

And all of the sudden I feel a little tap on my arm,
and when I flashed the ipod to my arm,


i started screaming, sort of, more like yelping.
and just ran out of the bed.

Then I quickly ran out to my hallway
and grabbed a fly swatter -- yes, I own a fly swatter -_-;

Next, I obviously SWAPPED IT!
I thought it didn't die because when I swapped it,
it totally did a back flip jump and then fell the ground. no kiddinggg.

so yeah, this all happened exactly at 2AM.
*shudders* this makes me hate crickets x100 more.

thanks cricket for making such a eventful night -___-;

anyways, if you read all that nonsense, yay you ?
Hehe. This was another one of my useless journals! (:
July 31st, 2009 at 02:51am