GNT-ASS: Overnight

[July 24-25, 09.]
GARNET's Overnight
ADZU HS Campus

*6 PM - 8.30 PM*

Just arrived, saw my classmates. they even tried to scare me with my cousin Andre's freaking Dark Vader helmet thing, with the voice changer, but sadly for them, it didn't work, coz i knew who was wearing it. (in your face Cavan! peace man! peace!)

Some of us were hungry with all the 'scaring other people' trick, and luckily Lauren brought FRIES! weeeeeeeeee! I was Starving! i ate a lot. (dah! it was good!)

Then, we just wlaked around the Lobby, i was the one wearing the Dark Vader helmet thing this time. then we saw this blonde-colored-wig-like thing on the floor. Sirach(one of my classmates) quickly got it then placed it on his head. We all laughed and thought that h look like Lady Gaga with it. Then i played POKERFACE on my phone. xD

Teachers, started evacuating the building, to go home to their families.then, we just ran around the building, like crazy people. hahaha. until our moderator and advisers arrived.


-Room Assignments/Preparations-
Urgh! Girls separated from Boys (good thing), Boys get bigger room (BAD thing!), and they even have everything known entertaining to man in their room, and might i add they have more free space and AIR! unfair much? (yes! yes it is!)

why US, the girls, didn't bring the things that the boys did, I have no effing idea. maybe, they were too lazy, or they were too busy packing their clothes and phones to remember the entertaining things. Aren't the boys supposed to be the ones being lazy to bring too much stuff? (well, apparently our boys, aren't lazy bums after all.)

We were also preparing our rooms, and bringing all the chairs and tables out. Its was tiring, but we were able to do it, then we just scattered our sleeping bags and pillows and blankets, everywhere. When, we were done, the boys were like already eating on and using their laptops and playing their speakers, loudly, but the songs were my favorite so i didn't argue with that. Me and some girls went down to the Lobby, to check if it was ready for our movie marathon. Apparently it wasn't, so we just helped, and i had to help push the big fan. tiring much?! T.T

Obviously, we did. we even took some pictures of the boys eating and doing crazy things. We also asked one of the boys to take pictures of us while we were eating, and by asked i mean FORCED, by dragging him in the room, gave him the cam and ordered him to take lots of pics, like what paparazzi would do. (Sorry Jan! haha)

*8.30 PM - 12 MN*


yeah! Movie time!
Nakz! All of them were Scary movies.

Texas Chainsaw Massacre & Silent Hill

We watched TCM first, but through half of it some of my classmates were already going to the rooms, i don't know why, but maybe they were scared of they got bored.

Some of us were left, and Mr. Suyat, our Literature teacher, started pointing our some of our names as the characters in the movie, which made us laugh and not get scared.
The movie was cool, because of all the blood, but some of it was disgusting. eewwhh!

we watched Silent Hill next, and yet still some of them evacuated. Little of us were left. what the hell was this? Survival of the bravest?!

As what Mr. Suyat said when we started to watch Silent Hill:
"GIL is not Silent! He is Noisy!"

-Ghost Hunting-

(We were still watching movies.)

POV of the people who went ghost hunting:

So, yeah, they went ghost hunting, it was dark, coz they were passing through the ramp. When they got through the 2nd floor, Med and Fahad were ahead of all of them, the others were way behind the group. Phiel and Patrick were just laughing. The girls who were with them were kinda scared. Fahad thought of a plan to scare Liann, then he climbed something then, when Liann was below him, he held the flashlight to his face, and scared Liann, so she ran to the Lobby, with Airra, following her, then she started crying, the boys were just laughing, but Me, and the others with me were focused too much on the movie.

*12 MN - 2.30 AM*


We had to do a lot of bonding activities and stuff.
When we went down we were like, bringing our pillows and blankets.
(what?! we wanted to sleep!)

Then we watched this documentation, of people who are suffering,
then we discussed with a partner our weaknesses,
then we made a Circle of Love, were we had to go i the middle and share our feelings.

then we asked our Bio teacher, to say sorry for giving us our LONG QUIZ,
and she was like "why?",
then our president said "maam! it was very Bleed Nosing maam!"
then we just laughed.

*2.30 AM - 4.30 AM*

we went back to the rooms.
then we started making Iced Tea,Cold/Hot Coffee and Juice.
(i know right? Juice and Iced Tea at 3 in the morning, crazy right?)

Some of us also started eating. AGAIN. what? we got hungry. we had to have a midnig--i mean dawn breakfast. i never knew it was more fun to eat at 3 in the morning. xD

After all of that was over, they finally let us sleep.. (YEY! not really.)
When we wanted to sleep, they wouldn't let us sleep, now that we don't want to sleep, they make us sleep. funny right?

so yeah. some of us slept. bit some of us didn't. I even had Insomnia, because of their stomps and rolling. (thanks a lot Cavan! lol. peace! )

Some of the boys who slept, w/o protection, got make-overed by the girls.
The boys who covered their whole bodies with their blankets and looked like TACOS were lucky.
(in their faces! haha!)

*5.00 AM - 5.30 AM*

Yeah! wake up sleepy heads! xD

Me and some girls, thought of walking around the school for a while, and we were just talking and singing, then we saw all of the boys playing basketball at the court. Imagine, how just one sport bonded those boys just like that, and yet, nothing can bond us girls. tsk3x!

*6 AM - 6.30 AM*
With the help of TEAMWORK, we were able to make the look like nothing happened. Those people who use that room for classes better thank us for making their rooms look cleaner than how they cleaned it! We also helped the Boys, hahaha! Their not that good in cleaning.

Its time to go home.
Awts. too bad.
it was fun while it lasted though. :))
we got lots of Pics.
too bad we didn't have a whole class pic.
Never mind, there's always another day for picture taking with my GNT-ASS-mates. xD


July 31st, 2009 at 06:55am