The Great and not-so great

Okay i wwasss going to do a journal about things the world could do without and thought better of it because my brain was barely working and i found significance to everything (except parakeets) so I'm going to do a journal about the greatest things we have, and the not so great things!

*Paperclips; I was staring at them and realized that not only do they hold your papers together and pick doors open, but they are also great slingshot ammo!

*Calculators;for the less brilliant people in life

*Pillows, they do so much for us,*tears up* they're a great feathery shoulder to cry on, the perfect throwing object, and great stress relievers!

*The digital watch, simply amazing!

*erasers! magical little pink things of doom! with them you could reek a lot of havoc at school, just imagine all the tests you can erase with them!

*automatic saving, less tearing of your hair when the lights go out!

And last but surely not least!
*the remote!

Now for the not-so great items you might have lying around! or not....

*flour! yes its great for baking but when you accidently tear the bag, it can be devastating!

*fridge magnets, seriously! you'll be looking for the cheese and BAM! fridge magnet where the dam cheese is supposed to be!

*mayonaise on burgers!

*the salad fork, who the hell actually switches forks?! for pete's sake, just lick the damn thing!


Yay! I'm done! leave a comment, or not.
August 1st, 2009 at 07:02am