its kinda funny

Brush the stains off your teeth
remove the stench from your breath
take in a lung full of air
let it all out
and smile
your teeth are white
no one will now
for this morning
you had a cup of joe

Okay so this morning i was on my myspace changing the mood thingy and i typed 'got up had a cup of coffee now i must go brush my teeth'
then i just got like this * the poem thing up above* popping in my head and spilling from my lips. it was just some thing that was meant to be cute and funny but as i re-read it before coming to post it i realized it had a deeper meanign behind the words so i want people to reailze its not meant to be stupid
the meaning is basicly
take the bad stuff out of your life
any thing you cant remove try to forget
just smile cuz your past is YOURS and no one else
knows it or you better that your self
August 1st, 2009 at 07:42pm