The world as we know it ending? Do you beleive it?

So you know there's a whole "theory" or whatever going around about the world ending in 2012 and I just can't seem to get my mind off of it. Why would it just end now right? This has been said many times before by so called "psychics" in like 1999 or whatever but my point is they have said this a lot. Most people believe it but I don't know what to think there's just not enough proof. Or is there proof that we just don't see? Sure the Mayans(or Aztecs? I'm not sure )calendar did in fact stop in December of 2012 but that was because they ran out of the supplies. But then the Christians say that Jesus is going to come and save the good people and leave the bad to suffer. That just does not seem likely to happen. I mean Jesus is forgiving right? Why would he leave the people who have sin to suffer. HE WOULDN'T. Everyone has sin not everyone's perfect and all of you know that. Then there's a three days of night or darkness theory. I'm not positive what goes on there but I guess you have to be constantly praying for three days straight and really bad things go on those three days of night. I was actually told that but I guess there's way more to the story but I don't know it. I just don't get it. Why would it just end? Well I could probably going but what do you think about this? I wanna hear your story on what it is you think will happen on that very day. By the way this was my first journal. I think I may right a lot depending on what I'm thinking about. Was this entry good or bad?
August 1st, 2009 at 09:49pm