Why The F*ck (edited just for mibba :D)

F*ck. Thats what I'm thinking right? I'm currently listening to a song that makes so much sense. It's hot dog by Limp Bizket . its a great song to listen to when in anger. it Has a good meaning. why the f*ck, cant we say f*ck? if it was made, then whats the point in not saying, its just a god damn word. WHO THE F*CK CARES :D

sorry if I'm a little in a err...angry mood...I'm just grounded. and it f*cking sucks. if anyone has anything good that i can do, to keep myself busy MSG me or something.

"...its a shame we cant say f*ck, f*cks just a word and its all f*cked up."

hmm, I've decided to use this journal bullshit as somewhat of a, blog. no i wont get that personal, i just will....spread my thoughts and i hope they'll be heard...
heres a few thoughts right now:

- why the f*ck, cant we say f*ck?

-why the f*ck do parents try to control the shit we do? kids f*ck up...ohh my...grounding your f*cking kid is bullshit. we pay enough consequences without having nothing to do all f*cking day.

-why the f*ck do so many people do sh*t, say sh*t, think sh*t, if they don't want people to know?*

-why the f*ck do people get so mad when people tell other people their secrets. its not a god damn secret if you told someone, get the f*ck over yourself*

-why the f*ck do hypocrites get so pissed off at other hypocrites when they're no better then them?*

-why the f*ck does my mine keep rambling.

-why the f*ck does shitty things happen to good people, and fu*k up their lives?

-why the f*ck is god so unfair, put healthy, strong heads filled with happiness in the people who don't deserve to be happy?

-why the f*ck cant we trade bodies with other people if thats what the f*ck we want to do?

-why the f*ck cant we just wake up one day, and have everything in our lives fixed?

-why the f*ck does "god" go around damning people if he so-called LOVES the world. i love Blake and I'd be damned if i ever sent his ass to hell.

-why the f*ck do people believe in something that may or may not be there?*

-why the f*ck cant people who think sad, just be happy and smile for once for the shit they have?*

-why the f*ck do people take their lives for granted?*

well i think thats all I'm going to put as of now...i have a million other things that i could put here, but i think you get my idea. if you have any answers feel more the welcome to just simple comment/ MSG me the answers :D

**this means that i have done this crap.., and am apart of it...note that none of these things are meant to offend ANYONE. so sit the f*ck down and deal with the sh*t i have to say.

NOTE: sorry to anyone that got offended with the first way that i had wrote this, i wasn't away you couldn't cuss on this website :D
August 1st, 2009 at 10:21pm