Sten Gwefani

New hair!


Well, sort of. It's kind of going back to my natural colour, but this goes to eleven. I was one of those super fair, pale blond kids in school. I remember, in grade seven, my hair was so light and my eyes are blue, so the kids were calling me, "Legolas". Not that I really minded; after all, the Elves are ethereally beautiful and Legolas is really, really ridiculously good looking, but after a while, being compared to Orlando Bloom gets tiring after a while. But after a couple of years, I got restless and tired of the fuchsias and the blues and purples and reds, and wanted a change that was on the complete opposite end of the scale. It took some time, since red it just so god damn hard to get out, but my hair pulled through!

New hair & make-less

I know I'm really not good with cam hoar Myspace angle shots. But it's okay, it's something I deeply pride myself on.


I can't believe it's August 1st already. Geez, how time flies. Of course, if I was an Elf, time wouldn't really matter. At least I don't have to go back to school in September. Na na na na na.

So, what does the interwebs think?
- Linden
August 1st, 2009 at 11:50pm