Sometimes I just sit and think...

Today I was in Hot Topic and I saw a Gir shirt. I am absolutely in love with that little dude!!! And I just stare at it; I zoned out for a while. I starting thinking about stuff. And somehow my mind drifted to the subject of Bob Bryar O.o I love Bob, don't get me wrong. I started thinking of what he would be like as a dad. He'd be pretty f*cking sweet, it you ask me. And that got me thinking about Gerard. And he got me thinking about Mikey. And Mikey, for some odd and unknown reason, always makes me think of a stripper pole. And that reminded me of the pair of stripper shoes on the shelf next to me. And that finally brought me back to reality. Then I got some eyeliner and a fingerless skeleton glove :D and we left.

Then when I got home, I was in my room playing bass and I started thinking about love. I'm really sorry about how conceited this sounds but, I don't see why guys aren't asking me out. If I were them, I'd be head over heals for me!!! My friend that's bi, and a girl, is totally in love with me. And she always tells me why. If I was bi, or a leasbian, I probably wouldn't like her, but I would, and do, think she was really sweet. She always compliments me and tells me that I'm funny, or I'm random, or I'm so crazy. And she always ends our conversations with, "I love you, and don't forget it." I feel kind of bad that I don't like her in that way. It must be really hard to know that the one you love, doesn't love you back. Well, I know it's hard, because I've experienced it. *sigh* Trevor... He's absolutely perfect in my eyes. No one else may see it, but I can't stop seeing it.

He has short, dark brown hair, soft brown eyes, an adorable, slightly raspy voice, and he's tall. I'm pretty tall myself, so that's always a plus. And he's into the same music I am. We have so much in common, it's scary. And he wants a lip ring :D lip rings are so hot!!! And he's not exactly sweet and quiet (my normal type) actually he's just as obnoxious and mean as I am XD I just wish he would get out of Helena's coffin (because it's Frank's turn XD) and notice me.

I'm sitting in bed and thinking about life in general. Why are we here? Where do we go next? What happens after we're extinct?

I'm reeeeeeally wierd, I know. I wasn't particularly asking for feedback, I just wanted to put my thoughts out there. Because I effing can!!! Fun fact-it's 2:35 am and I'm wide awake!!! :D
August 2nd, 2009 at 08:36am