Realization of Inspiration

August 1st, 2009
I feel that I have finally figured out what I want to do in life. Every child from a young age, finds something they truly aspire to become. Years ago, when I was still a toddler, I thought I wanted to be a veterinarian. I loved and always will love animals. But a few years later, I found out I didn’t like seeing pain in an animal, or any being in that matter. So my idea of what to become changed. Then, when I was 12, I thought of becoming a civil engineer, like my old man. I wanted to be able to travel the world, and show men and women that it’s not a man’s job. Women can also work in the oilfield. I wanted to prove a point to everyone who thought women were the weaker sex. But then, as years went on, I then saw that it wasn’t my calling. I’d still always love to be like my father, albeit not in that way. Math and science was never something that drew my attention. Then finally, the beginning of tenth grade, I saw the light. No, I did not die then come back to life, but I saw what I wanted to become. And that wonderful thing was a writer.
When I grew up, I never read or even wrote. I always loved the thought of reading, but didn’t fancy it at all. Then when we moved to Brazil, I began reading my little sisters books, and actually enjoyed them. When I was ten, I was reading things I never thought I’d even think to read. Then when we moved to Argentina, years after living in Brazil, I started reading fictional books with magic and powers and young girls overpowering the look of men, and standing beyond. Standing their ground, even if they didn’t have gentiles’. I always wanted to become a woman who could stand beyond the every critical person, and show them that the world has actually changed. That women now can do things that were thought of to be ridiculous way back when. When I lived in Argentina, I was 14 years old, and read a full book (being a novel) in just a week. Then I started reading actual novels in just a single day. I read, and never stopped.
Back to my light, my writers light. The end of tenth grade came, and I had failed the year. I had two options, which soon became one forced choice. I had to go to a Hotel Management School for a four year plan, and then go onwards into any other college or university I wanted. I figured out that such a change like that would end up being the best thing for me, but at the same time, I doubted whether I really wanted to be away from a proper high school. In any rate, I was accepted to that Hotel school, and was to join it in the coming months.
Then one day, I really saw what I wanted to do. That one day, being today, being what the date says at the top of this page. Inspired by the 2007 film Into the Wild, I wanted to travel. I decided just today, that I would do the four year plan, then when I graduate, at age 21 I would like to carry onwards, and travel. But first, I thought maybe I’d go back to Canada, and see the natural side of it. I want to see every season the beauty of the crisp dew covered grass, on a beautiful sun-filled morning during Spring, the heat of the Summer sun resting on the people and land, the leaves turning with the cold coming in during Autumn, and then the crisp cool evenings followed by snow fallen mornings of Winter. I want to capture it all, feel it all, and be one with it. And I want to do it all within reach of the man I’ve fallen for.
I’m thinking, after a year in the country I swore I’d never go back to live in, I’d then pull out my passport, and leave. Run away; find myself within the depths of poverty, war, happiness and faith. I want to travel, and yet continue to write. I want to have many more stories to tell my future children, or my sisters. I want to be able to capture every blissful moment, and put the most enticing description of it, and make every soul be able to imagine it once reading what I wrote. Discover happiness in a world of imagination, discover love in a world of lust, and discover yourself, when you know about me.
At twenty-one, I’d be legal all over the world. I’d be a true adult, and if he still wanted, I’d be there for him.

I want to write, I want to create a new world beyond what we see. I want to make children believe that there is more to how they’re living. I want to release the sadness from every girl or boy who thinks there’s nothing left for them.
I want to inspire.
August 2nd, 2009 at 06:34pm