My Vacation

I'm Back!!!!!!!!! *cue dramatic entry* Mwa! hahahahahahaha!

Ha ha.

I just got back from my vacation and it was a lot of fun!

We went to eastern Washington and it was this little town named Tonasket and there was a lake: Spectacle Lake. And the water was perfect, not to cold but not to warm. Relaxing.

Also there was a pool at the resort and it didn't make sense to me....Like why would you have a pool if you already have the lake?? But whatever. I think i liked the pool better than the lake though.... Because in the lake there were these weeds that grabbed you legs and wanted to eat me.... They were talking to me....and telling me


it was scary.

and then they would giggle.

and then strangely, people would burst up from behind me and laugh outrageously loud and kind of annoying....

I didn't get what was so funny.

and then they showed me their microphones but I still didn't get it!!!!! I was so confused!!!!

He he.( I just made that up.........................................................or did i???????)

He he.

wouldn't be cool to have a twin? I always thought it would be very awesome.

I have a sister but we fight and sometimes she's all annoying and she's like my second mother. Sometimes its nice but all the time??

But anyway....If I had a twin we would be so close and we would get into trouble together...sounds fun...

I'm kind of hungry.

OH wow. I just realized that this is the first journal entry i make that 1: I'm not hyper and 2: I'm not obsessing over something or listening to music.

I'm just really bored.
August 4th, 2009 at 09:48pm