20 questions braaaah (:

lets play (Y)
Simple really, ask any questions you like, I answer back honestly and ask you.
Also you can ask anyone else in this journal a question etc.
Rules, you can only ask a question once, and if you ask a person the question they ask you, you have to ask another one.
You must behonest, if its too personal you can pass though, but depending on the person asking you, you may have to do a forefiet, such as talk to dujo (:

Right is that enough effort for this journal?
Looks like no. Il carry on then til it lets me post.
So hey mibba, not been on here in awhile, finally did up profile etc and am gonna make an effort to talk to you people seeing as I'm home sick this week. boo ):

First question, anyone can answer. Would you rather lick peanut butter of a hobo's feet or skinny dip?
August 4th, 2009 at 11:52pm