I think I've gone insane

I really don't think that I'm normal.
Because you see,
normal people don't go around in circles all across a soccer field yelling "Magical Hippos" simultaneously.
And normal people REALLY don't think that taking sour punch twizzler looking things and sticking them in cans of Mountain Dew is the most awesome thing in the world.
and normal people don't have friends that constantly don't want to be their friend anymore
And have guys mad at them because they won't go to the movies with them
Because you don't like them
and them get mad because they hang up on you.
I'm absolutely positively not normal
Sometimes i cry over nothing
like when I lost a stuffed puppy i got when i was in the hospital
or cryed because i lost 8.00 dollar gloves
i did
is it normal?
not in my parent's book.
I'd rather read magazines of Boy's Life than read Discovery Girls magazine
and my parents say i should be girlyer
I'm not normal.
I have a pink room, with a bed with banisters holding up a pink canopy
and i have a pink TV stand
andi hate it
and got grounded from watching TV in my room until 1 am in the morning
and I usually stay up until 4 in the morning
and i constantly lose things
like glasses
and gloves
and the key to my diary
and i don't think my family is normal either
my little brother cried when the tail of his two inch tall stuffed monkey tore
and my mom put a band aid on it
and my mom doesn't give a crud about me most times
and when she tells a joke, she gets mad cause i laughed
and my dad says we spend too much time on the internet
but actually, after he gets home from work, thats the only thing he does
and my brother seth texts and calls on his phone
and my brother nico smells like pee all the time
and he doesn't pee in his pants
and me
im absolutely random
and get worked up over things
and the only thing good about me is that i know im insane
and an egotistic self centered brat
who thinks that cheese monkeys are the ultimate rulers of saturn
but are planning to take over Spain soon
so tell me, is that crazy?
and i don't think this is temporary insanity
i think its permanent
August 5th, 2009 at 12:38am