First passenger.

Two peoples impressions of one man.

Person One:
Boxy face, a little too round but pointed in a decidedly square way at the end. It was masculiunly strong. The face was framed in glorious, curvy locks, which were brown with a tint of red marvelously contrasting and offsetting ivory not quite pallid soft skin which reminded me a little of soap. Plump lips usually parted in a proud, confident half smile exposing shockingly white, bright, straight, teeth. This boy had wonderful personal hygene. For that was the word I used to call him, now he is more of a man. I call him a boy because he still posesses that magical approachable quality. He had dark eyes fringed in abundant lashes. Eyebrows that disguised themselves behind the floppy hair kissing and embracing his forhead and neck. It is long, almost down to his shoulders, but it stayes out of his eyes almost as if it knew that if it dared get in the way of the shimmering pools of onyx it will be smoldered by the same unimaginable power that yanks at unsuspecting girls heartstrings.

Person Two:
His face was too powerful and maniacle, it was practicallz a death with to lock eyes with him, they smoldered so hotly. Hair flying wildly our of control, like Medusas snakes it had a mind of its own, like a lions mane it billowed, like a flame there were hints of red heat that made his face burn white hot. His lips were strong and muscular like they would suffocate you even more than his devastatingly dangerous and handsome face if you dared snog them. They were a livid red, even five year olds know that red means Danger. They were open in a haughty sneer, reflected on his teeth bright white sulking just behind the lips. The teeth were tinted with his vibrant, dark, cavernous, mysterious mouth. It looked warm, but fire and blood are warm too, until they are quenched and spilled. Eyes, lunatic with hurt, searching for a spark of hope, hunted by the truth of a life changing mistake, and vengeful for lives stolen, caged by lashes that flared out angrily. I realized this man was haunted, hungered, scared out of his mind, yet strangely, freakishly, comfortable with it. Exceedingly disturbed and a natural drug addict and alchoholic, but he only uses it to escape.
August 5th, 2009 at 03:28am