Draco Malfoy Fan-Fiction Ideas? Anyone?

Draco Malfoy fan fiction? Tell me your ideas! 6th year im thinking :) Any suggestions welcome! I want it to be an original character though, and I don't want the usual, best friends with Harry, Ron, and Hermione, starts out hating him blah blah blah, love that idea, dont get me wrong, but it's used so often! I want it to be at hogwarts, but I don't want the girl to be a gryffindor, or a slytherin....okay maybe a gryffindor, but not friends with the famous trio :) I'll give credit to whose ever ideas I use in the story! So please, share your insight! Lol, I love hearing you guyses ideas because everyone thinks so differently :)
August 6th, 2009 at 07:56am