August 7, 2008 - August 7, 2009

Time flies, literally. So many memories are caught in its speed. It can go by fast or slow. Believe it or not, it’s up to you on how it goes. For me, time was always slow. Nothing really drastic happened. That is, until I came across Mibba. Last year, on this fine day of August 7th, I joined this site. The reason was really simple. I wanted to write and Mibba allowed me to do so.

However, as time passed by, I met some amazing people that changed my life. They became my best friends. They knew me better than my own friends sometimes. Whether I needed someone to talk to or just to vent, they were always there. They are the reason I call Mibba my home away from home today. Mibba has become not only an addiction, but it has also become my own personal world. It’s full of friendly faces and amazing golden hearts.

I’ve met some amazing people on here. Their like my second family. And it’s sad to think that one day, I might not be here anymore, but for now I intend on keeping these people close to me. This is in no special order, just whoever comes to my head first.

Stephanie – Dude, you rock. There is no other way to put it. We began playing a random game of questions and look where we are now. You are one of the closest people to me and I love you. Your musical abilities blow me away, your sense of dry humor is seriously funny, and your passion for Nick Jonas is kinda creepy, aha. But you were the one who gave me faith in my writing. You were the one who pushed me to write when I thought I sucked. You read everything I wrote even if it sucked. You commented and you were honest about it. You never let me feel down and you were always the most amazing best friend ever. Thank you so much for that. I love you, Mousy (:

Kodhai – You are like the coolest person ever. I don’t know how you do it but you always made me look up to you. I was in awe of you. You had this calm collected posture and you were so… awesome. You were an amazing listener and a supporter of my perverted side, aha. When my mom and I fought, you were always there waiting to console me. You never ever thought I was whining or anything. And then we became really close and you were like the cooler twin sister I never had. Thank you for always being there. I love you (:

Jenny – You are simply amazing. You are the most innocent and humble sixteen year old I have met. You have a heart of gold and such pureness. It was so hard keeping my tongue in control around you, aha. You always read everything I wrote and critiqued wonderfully. You listened to all my sorrows and didn’t judge me once! I think that was what made me so happy. I told you everything there is to me and you took it all in, not judging me once. You were like my older mature sister and I honestly am so lucky to have you in my life. Thank you for never judging me. I love you Jan (:

Edith – I remember commenting you because your birthday was the day before mine. And we just hit it off, talking about anything and everything. You were all into peace at that time, aha. You were so easy to talk to. Soon enough, you became my HTML buddy too, aha. I was so stupid in that and you used to help me so much. Ducky formed and so did Emmy. Remember the letters over claiming Joe? Priceless times, lmao. You were once really upset and you talked to me and I was really happy that you could confide in me and trust me like that. Thank you for giving me that. I love you Ducky (:

Lisey – You, my love, are the most amazing person EVER. You are like my older sister. You are always there for me. I once gave my number to you and we texted like crazy and we just became close. You listened to all my boy troubles, my family drama, and my own personal demons. You were always there to show your support. You always listened, never complained. You got me through so much. You brought back my faith in God. You brought back hope and belief for me. I think you are truly remarkable and I am ever so grateful to have you in my life. Thank you bringing back my faith. I love you Liz Biz (:

Emma (London) – You are freaking… awesome! You are the most awesome person ever, aha. You’re mellow, calm, and collected and that is what kept me sane all these months when my mom and I got into a fight. I used to spill my heart to you and you listened to every cry. Aha, and senior boy? Awesome bashing, thank you very much. You made me smile a lot those days. You didn’t give me false hope but you didn’t let me down either. Honestly, your sarcasm saved me from crying myself crazy. Thank you so much. I love you Moo-moo (:

Emma (New Zealand) – You are so sweet and nice, I love you. You’ve listened to everything I have ever had to say. Remember our late night text messages? Aha, our random questions rocked. You’ve been through a lot but you’ve still stayed strong and I am so happy for you. I’m really glad I could be a friend to you and be a part of your life. You were the laughter in my bad times and you always managed to make me smile. Thank you so much for being my friend. I love you Liney (:

Ara – You are like my sister. You’ve gone through so much at a young age and it’s so awesome how you still hold your head up high. I always have this urge to protect you from danger. I feel responsible, aha. You listened to me too and you never ever thought worse about me. You’re so nice and kind yet so honest. Thank you so much for being my friend. I love you Arbar (:

Michaela – You are a genius. You rock my neon socks. We’ve been friends this whole summer and I’ve gotten really close with you. Your sarcasm and wit make me laugh xD Your humor and jokes involving Joe make me wanna push Mr. Queer off a cliff. You’ve left and came back but any decision you make in life; I will always support you. Unless it’s to fuck Joe, then we have a problem. Lmao, just kidding. You write amazingly, you make sick layouts, and you’re the most awesome person ever. I love you Mikki (:

Krista – My twin that you are. I literally read your about me one day and I thought I was reading about me. Its nice having someone who gets my train of thoughts and knows what I’m talking about. You never really thought I was crazy. I know we’ve just met and all but I hope we still be friends throughout the year. Your pretty awesome and an amazing friend. Thank you. I love you (:

Daisha - We've been best friends from the sisterhood. You are the most purest, gentlest, nicest person I have ever met and I am so glad to have met you. You make my day by talking to me and your just the best. Thank you so much for always being there. I love you Day (:

Nikki, Jessica, Chee Chee, Nadine, and all my other friends rock ass too. I cannot wait to get to know you and become as close to you guys too.

These are just some of the most amazing people I’ve met on here. You all are so special to me and the thought of leaving you guys is sickening. I hope that we all stay friends. I love you guys so much and just thanks for being there (:

August 7th, 2009 at 05:57am