Riding my high. Talking about pot.

Early, early this morning I was able to smoke some crippy (for those of you who don't know what that is, it's really high-grade weed). I decided to write down what I had been thinking about during that high (which was the best high I've ever had. The most enjoyable, I mean).

If you're against marijuana, you should really reconsider by the way. I used to be totally and 110% against it, thinking it was bad and a drug and it could fuck your brain up. Lies. Drug propaganda the government put out to fight against one of the best medicines today. It's not even a drug! It's a WEED, a plant! Anyhow, I used to be extremely against it. And then I decided to try it one day, just for the experience.

I don't know why I ever thought so poorly of it before. It's absolutely harmless and very pleasurable. It's not addictive in the slightest. It's like eating a really good snack. You love the taste so you decide to go back and eat some more. That's not an addiction.

My point is to those who are against marijuana, MJ, Mary Jane, ect... try it. If you still think it's the most evil thing in the world, alright, but don't bash it and the people who do it until you try it, ya know?

Continuing on... the following is what I typed. I sound pretty stupid for most of it, but my flow of ideas was overwhelming.


how many articles does wikipedia get a year about normal people

i really don't feel like typing. i feel like passing out. that's great. but like i want to remember how I'm feeling right now. Kinda like I'm soaring through the clouds with a purple cartoon dragon chewing oh this grass thing that farmers chew on all the time. So you can probably tell by now I am really really high. And it's great. It's a very smooth, rolling high which is where the cloud part comes from, cause clouds are just all smooth and rolly across the sky, but seriously though clouds are really pretty.

Haha, god damn. But yes, I smoked some potent as fuh crip. Tasted tropicle. Or even better. Like a sweet sweet cigar in an old style saloon/bar place but this really classy kind where ladies walked around in these dresses that sparkled, and they wore those fancy gloves. But you see the den area of that place when I think about the taste of the weed. Tropicle. And the fiber color reminds me of peaches. I've never held weed so soft before. It's fantastic, I can promise you.

such a creative high. I've never had one like this but then I've only smoked crippy once but I did not have the time to really think which is why I'm on this god damn adventure in my mind. I look like a samurai because of my robe. Just had to get that out there. I feel like old. Like... I'm typing my autobiography (that word was an adventure to type) and my hands are all veiny and wrinkled and I'm wearing this robe in an old nursery home, but of course I'm in the smart part, the part that doesn't smell like piss, baby powder, and dead, because I'm not fucking getting dementia and that shit. Fuck that. But yeah I'm in that place and I'm sitting down in the old styled kitchen, dining, chilling area (super cool room by the way) and cause it's modern times in a retro nursery home (think of it as all southern and like it'd be in lousiana or something lol)

I've got my laptop here and I'm typing out my last pieces of life and it's like the life is draining out of me, like an ink glass thing, like what would happen to those after you've used your feather pen for a while. Saiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillllllllllllllllllinggggggggg awaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayy onn an open ccccccccoooooooooourrrrse of fuck this song, I want music, hold up.

Ohhh that is wonderful. Wonderland. When I listen to music, it's so good that it's almost like I can't listen to it anymore lol. Like it hurts or something. It's like being at the egde of an orgasm. Where it gets all unbearable and you don't feel like you can take much more, and then you tumble off the cliff and fall into the cool spring-like waters of your orgasm. Smoooooth. Absolutely, possitively smooth. I feel amazing. Very potent. Fucck.

I've typed so much! I don't feel like I have! I wish my brain would stop coming up with words. Because I think of so many words all the time and they spill out and I feel like I'm annoying my best friends and Michael too because I'm always worried I'm annoying him. Lol, idgi why I'm so concerned over him all the time. I wish it would go away though. SHIT. sheeeeeeeeeiiiuhhhh. SHIUH LOL. do do do do dodododo to take the tides away ahhh all we need is some time to duh duh duh duh duh

wonderful. Smooth! Creamy. Mmmm. Oh my god I would love some cake right now. Oh god. Like the really rich tasting. Rich is such a weird fucking taste oh my god. It doesn't make since! The english language is so weird! FUCK. I don't like shit! I hate when you say the same word so often that it starts sounding really really really fucking weird. And stops making sense. Like you know how my brain talks all the time? Always coming up with words. Well, recently this word thing happened to me with the word depressed. Think about it. A button is depressed LOL. de-pressed. Opposed to you pressing a button. Well, needles to say, I was completely lost. And completely sober at the time. What a dumbass.

I just looked back at the cake part and didn't remember typing it. This is really long. It doesn't feel like I've been writing that long. God, I would never be able to do this sober. I don't know where all the thoughts are coming. Evil bears are doing it. But I feel like I'm in a court house, doing secretary work. When I start picturing old field trips while I'm high, it trips me the fuck out. I have a really good fucking imaginary. I've got so much up there! There are so many memories and things I've experienced and seen and remembered. How do I store it all? I keep wondering about it. Wouldn't it get full? Isn't there a certain capacity level? But then I figure that's why we don't remember EVERY LITTLE DETAIL. You get rid of those memories when you remember the more important things. But seriously, my mind is constantly traveling between now and my past.

The funny thing? I remember more from when I was 4-10 than I do when I was 11-13. Because middle school was terribly depressing. I don't understand why that's so terrible. Everyone is underdeveloped and tweeny, just like in elementary. I guess people just don't know how to act when they hit puberty.

I'd be an awesome mofukin blogger if I did it while I was high all the time. Although my lack of paragraphs is shit. But that's why you go back to edit it, smart one. But then it wouldn't be all authentically high, and what if I gotta post it right then. I can't just snap my fingers ands be like *LOL NOT HIGH ANYMORE*. Stupid. Doesn't work.


Goddd dammmnn this music. Fantastic. Feels like I'm a hawaiian (EXCUSE FAIL SPELLING LOL) watching this other hawaiian chick doing the hula and we're surrounding by palm trees and there's a bon fire, cookout thing with the locals, and her grass skirt is really pretty. Well it feels like I'm there hearing this song. Lol I had to reread what I just wrote so that I could remember what I was talking about. I wish my fingers would literally glide across the keys. Idk why but my grandma's house years ago, (every place and memory has a different aura or like taste to me. Like different film things idfk. Different slides or tints or something. Like different colored screens over every memory. A different physical taste though. Like tasting it with your eyes. Physical taste makes no sense wtf. Why did I think that would sound right?? Stupid stupid stupid.

But yeah, I feel incredible, amazing, incredimazing. Lol that'd be a nice, pretty word. nretty, don't try it again shannin lol fail. Sounds like a peanut butter lable. Cause it almost looks like 'nutty'. Ew. I like SMOOTH PEANUT BUTTER NOT CRUNCHY EW. ew. UGH. GUHUGHU. love this soooooooooong omggggggggg

i am really tired. it's really nice since i haven't felt like i could just pass out like this since like a month ago (excluding other high times) (THANKS MICHAEL >:( ). But yeah so I'm going to go pass out and stop making this any longer. It's really fucking long, Jesus Christ. I hate when I capitilize HAYSUS and tha big G's name because I don't believe in those motha fuckas.

Ohhhh this song reminds me of Michael. =[
Idk why though.
lol it's cause it's a love song and I'm lame.


p.s i think that song is the most incredible song I've ever heard. Her vocals just glide through you. So pretty and feminine and just the most perfect singing voice I've ever heard. And the lyrics just sound so sad and so scared and I'm all ~relating~ to it and it's just so fucking pretty I can't even take it. I trekked through that song while listening to it. Like going through a sea of people and making my way all through their problems and sadness' and all that. Incredible! Fucking go to beddd Shannon.

The reason why I keep typing is because I have all these thoughts and memories and imaginated things that are always there and it feels good to get everything out. I'm just a fucking writer, shit.

Goodnight! C=

OH, and Michael would be an ex and current love-interest of mine (it's very complicated atm).

Thanks for reading!
August 7th, 2009 at 08:08pm