Realizations(Please Read)

So, yesterday I was looking through television channels and I saw that Prayers for Bobby was on, and after that, The Truth About Jane was going to be on.

I watched them both.

And that's when I realized just how much homophobia pisses me off. Seriously, we're all equal and NOTHING is going to change that.

My mom brought to my attention the RELIGION factor. She said that if no one had ever created the idea of a "higher power" the world would be a much more peaceful place. Think about it. If no one had thought of "god", no one would be homophobic, because there wouldn't be a Bible telling us that homosexuality is wrong.

Homosexuality is not wrong. No matter what the Bible says. I, for one, don't believe in God or anything the Bible says.

Along with saying that homosexuality is a sin punishable by death, it says that a child who disobeys his parents should be put to death. No one abides by that, so why does everyone abide by the first one?

Homosexuality is NOT a sickness. It's not a choice. It's a way of being. Homosexuals do not become homosexuals; they've been homosexual their whole lives, and nothing you say, or do, is going to change that.

Everytime you sit and say that homosexuality is wrong, whether it be in public, or private, there are people listening. People who might be questiong their own sexuality. And everytime you say that it's wrong, perverted, an abomination, you're hurting them. Everytime you say those things, they take a hit to their self esteem. Everytime you say those things, their spirit breaks more, and more.

What does it matter who someone loves? At least they're loving someone.

But other people putting them down is only hurting them. And in the end it could lead to them taking their lives. And no one should have to resort to that.

We're all the same. Whether we're straight, bisexual, homosexual, or unsure.

Homosexuality is NOT wrong.

In the words of Mary Griffith:

"Before you echo 'Amen' in your home, or place of worship, think and remember. A child is listening."
August 7th, 2009 at 09:23pm