Boo for losing out on jobs, yay for haircuts? Oh, and sorry ma, I will be hanging out with that cute scumbag in November.

So I didn't get the Blockbuster job. They decided to go with someone else. They might hire a second person. I still have a chance, but very slim. I'm bummed but not too bummed. I'd be less bummed if my mom didn't nag me and volunteer me for unreliable jobs that I don't want. I get that it's money, but the last BS, extra money job I had at the base didn't work out quite as well as I had hoped. I don't want any more of those.

Anyway, I got my haircut today:

I got about 4 or 5 inches taken off. I like it, it feels a lot better.

I also went to lunch with my friend, Megan. We ate at Taco Bell because I really wanted some nacho chips and guac. Then I stayed and talked for a few hours when I dropped her off.

Columbus isn't going to happen. Thanks to the job not working out, and the knowledge that if a seasonal job won't hire me because I mention I might move, since I'm pretty sure that's the reason, then another job won't. But, I might find a place around here with another friend, Danielle. The apartments where Megan live are really nice, close to home, and don't cost much, plus she said the landlord is awesome. So, if we can find a two-bedroom there, I think that's where we'll go. It's also close to the library, which has free wireless, so I won't have to worry about internet. We don't need cable or anything. I think it'll be good. I just hope it works out.

OH and also, mom said I can't hang out with Ken when we see him in November since I plan on drinking (it's right after my 21st!). Good thing she's not serious because I'd hate to upset her when I don't listen. :]
August 8th, 2009 at 02:02am