Kindly unspoken

Sometimes it seems like too many things are left unsaid and I just don't have enough time to say what I need. But when I get to finally say what I need it seems like no one is listening.
And sometimes, I don't know how to say what I need without my words being twisted into some kind of cynical statement. I guess sometimes things are better left unsaid, but when it comes to a broken friendship it seems impossible to just let go. Sure I can say that I don't care and that I don't need that person in my life. But under that hard exterior shell, I am sinking, falling, and drowning. I feel so alone. I feel like I am being brought down, like that person is bringing me down and I just want to get out. But now that I am finally getting away, it seems like it isn't the right thing to do. I just want to rekindle the friendship but it is impossible to forget somethings that were said and done. I don't know what to do anymore but I can't help but feel like they should get what they deserve and it makes me feel horrible that I wish that upon someone. I want them to feel shame and I know that someday it will come back around.
Anyways, I guess what I am saying is that when you have the chance, say everything that you need because miscommunication can lead to misunderstandings and misunderstandings can lead to friendships left in nothing but rubble. Don't leave things kindly unspoken.
August 8th, 2009 at 06:26am