
god i hate being so freakin clumzy -_- being clumzy has gotten me some pretty nastly scars >< like, my newest one, is the lightning bolt shaped one on my left pinkie. i got that cuz one day while i was walking with one of my friends, i tripped and fell on glass. the glass ended up cutting the tendon inside my pinkie. i was screaming like hell XD well...mainly cuz i accually SAW my freakin tendon move and there was quite alot of blood. i was told that the docs found 2 fraggments of glass inside so they had to take those outnand reatatch my tendon. all this happend about a month ago and im still haveing a little bit of trouble moving my pinkie fully. now im stuck wearing an annoying ass splint >< hopefully ill regain all the strengh back in my pinkie and will accually be able to play guitar hero without it hurting like hell XD
August 8th, 2009 at 08:50am