The Epic Failure.

I swear to you, I'm not a major fan of talking shit...but I feel this has to be said 100 times more. I'm sure you all know The Millionaires...a group of girls with mile high hair (I swear, they caused globalwarming on some part), annoyingly high pitched vally girl accents, and the trashiest lyrics I've heard in a while. O.o

I hve an 8 yr old cousin...she's great litle girl. I loe her dearly, and when she saw The Millionaires....the first thing she said was "What happened to their hair?". I agree...they are a true Epic Failure at its best...and worst.

"My life is now [flash flash] ohh paparazzi
Shawty with a hawtayyy (hahaha)
It's the life you dream
GOD those girls are sooo annoying
Ya they're like totally ruining music..."

it's clear they are speaking of themselves right here. they obviously that they 1)do NOT deserve to be on Warped Tour 2)they are horrible roemodels for young girls EVERYWHERE an last, but definitely not least 3)what. the. fuck...they really have no talent.

I am willing to admit that they WILL get stuck in your head. This is what my mother refers to as "QualityTrash"...and from what I hear about them, only one is of legal drinking age...yet ALL of their songs have some refference to alcohol. I'm all fortrying to stand ut and being "different" but....they crossed a line. When they brag about being whores, drinking, and using way too much hairspray and makeup...I can't control my large mouth.

They made Trace Cyrus seem like a GOD in the music industry....and that means something! I have listend to them repeatedly....trying to see their appeal, I must be extremely dense because...they still suck! (I am also disappoined in Gabe Saporta for supporting them and everything.) If they had lyrics that actually talk about IMPORANT things...not just sex, drugs, alcohol, and talking shit (on themselves) I would be able to tolerate them.

Whether it be a serious need for attention, money, or to boost their self esteem...its pathetic that they're on Warpd and considered "artists" in any way, shape or form. You can like them...I'm just stating my opinion. And the fact that people ENCOURAGE them is horrible! They're all valley girl accents, teased hair, and shitty lyrics. When there are other bands out there with the one thing that they don't have...(I.E. TALENT) they honesly dn't deserve ther spot on warped.

Warped was meant for people with real talent....this EXCLUDES The Millionaires...I don't mean to sound bitchy, but they DO suck. Feel free to tell me your opinion, I'm always open to hear it. (:
August 8th, 2009 at 10:44am