My Crazy Thoughts

Here's some of my thought process in about five minutes :)

Talking laughing typing Zach talking tv computer lovey dovey boyfriend stupid kill him needs to go three strikes only got one needs two more how to make him get two more how how how don't know oh no help help I need somebody help not just anybody help you know I need someone heeelllllppppp wow The Beatles wow John Lennon Paul McCartney Ringo Starr George Harrison Mona Ginevra Hermione Gaitens talking to me speakerphone can't believe it wowzies wow wows Sprint now network he needs Sprint Six Flags showers pools swimmers ear ear hurts urgh stupid vacation hate vacation stupid Delaware stupid Michigan wish I could just stay here but not at the same time vacation is nice but not oh lordy lord lord holy water should have gotten some stickers got them gonna give them stickers which stickers gosh want stickers keep them all need them for laptop when will I get that laptop? urgh mum needs to get it need nose pierced soon like this week need to be on bus need to call dad don't want to do those things need to sign up for PMT don't want to talk to daddy about it urgh hate this I'm so lazy I hate that urgh stop asking that I don't know! urgh hate this urgh too hot out need shower cold water need food yummy food nice food like pie haha pie pie poem Perri made me write haha hairy pie haha wow that's weird Eve come over Zach come over what if no never mind don't think that not happening he said no so no I think he means it right? god damnit ouch that would hurt hope that doesn't happen it can't happen purple power zebra pants washing machine Green Day mirror Delaware Katie Kristen three wise men mirror bunk bed sheets air mattress deflate gross pictures no way jose Paper Clip Hearts don't go there mine and Eve's lollipop sticks pop caps scrap book card games card cuts Biggie pleading petting hairy blue eyes staring old and sad looking don't die Biggie I love you Biggie don't leave Wendy's food coming crying no don't cry he won't die he won't I promise no gosh don't leave no one leave me Cancer song MCR stop it MCR you make me sad stop it urgh I love MCR though need to listen now where's iPod no room don't want to get up urgh hate this need music now need frosty now need french fries frosty food yummy now now now urgh shower deodorant brush teeth food Zach Eve Perri Aysha Shakara Erica Kennedy Mecia need to see right now don't want to leave on Saturday can't leave not enough time till school not fair urgh mouse rat cat dog bark ruff moo oink rawr mrow grr hiss ribbit tail wagging watch out below ducky Duckie Zoe miss her too damnit Mona shut up annoying head hurts damnit hate this urgh rawr shit wait no not fair need bus now need friends Nathan Carley no not Carley jealous Carley maybe jealous maybe over it hope she's over it Vincenzo Lorenzo McPenzo ugh kill him want to kill him hurt him deeply make him pay want him to pay right now right here backwords fix Hollywood Fix The Pink Spiders love them like MCR rawr hate this so much urgh dammit purple power Bella cat guitar Stella practice guitar need to be better write more draw more laugh more smile more sing more urgh hate this feel lazy feel stupid feel boring feel hot urgh put blueberries away got to go gtg g2g bye

Yup, that's my brain. Yes I know, I'm weird. Whatever.
August 9th, 2009 at 09:07pm