I know Juliet-In-Wonderland :DDDDDD

Obviously, this is not me typing. This is Juliet, xDD. I'm at her house and I feel like typing on her computer.


I SO like the clicky sounds her keys make better then mine.


Here's the anti-sexy ghey cat, Coco.

Uh... hi... I really dont know what to put so yea...

I have a sock monkey Mr.Foog...he get me in trouble... Well, to tell you the truth, I'm not that interesting.

Juliet-In-Wonderland is my all time bestest buddie in the whole wide world.....that sounded ghey, xD

Juliet and I went to Dick's...

We sat in the front of the store in lounge chairs... with a coke.... and necco's....

Juliet kept knocking over things....

Well, thats all i have to say(yes I know this is boring) bye bye
August 10th, 2009 at 03:19am