OK so i just got off work , which leaves me in a very bitter mood, and I have decided that people who run businesses have no clue how to hire intelligent or competent people. It seems that for every six people that come through the door two even have a clue what to do.
This whole little rant is spawned due to one coworker of mine. I am sure you all have one like this where you work. OK so we all get clocked in and back in to the kitchen and it takes the retard 10 min to get ready to go. Thus putting us behind schedule, OK so now we are ten min behind schedule and working with a semi trained monkey ......actually i think that would have been a better trade.Luckily all went well while we served he managed to keep up with us and not screw up too bad. Now its time for clean up , this is where all the fun starts. His soul job was to make sure that the big plates get taken off the tables and brought back to the dish washer while we all served the pie. NOT HARD!!!!!!.....SO we get done with the pies and I ask him a simple question are there less or more than ten plates left...his answer....ummmmmmm ummmmm there are enough that you could go buss
OK hell to the No .....not guna fly so i yelled at him and he starts mumbling under his breath about something or another not sure what really... we all go buss and he is no where to be found he is gone for like five min. CAN YOU GUESS WHERE WE FOUND HIM?
He was in the freezer eating the food ! ahhhhhhhhhhh Stupid people.
thanks for listening and comment if you have a coworker like this
August 10th, 2009 at 04:54am