If You Could Have One Thing What Would It Be?

I've been thinking alot the past month. Perhaps it was the fact that I did get into a bit of trouble these past weeks. Hmm. Well it's all in the past.

Anyways. My question for all you out there on the mibba website is [drum roll please]....

if you could have one thing in the whole world, what would it be? I'm not going to limit you. It could be a person, a talent, an item of some sort, anything.

Honestly, if I could have one thing in the whole world it would be true love! I'm a hopeless romantic. [sigh, damn romance novels] Wow that makes it seem like I have no life. I'm sorry but I do have a social life. I date, I love. Well now it sounds naughty. My my, no way out of this mess I presume. So yes, if I could have anything it would be true love. The type of love that survives through anything and grows stronger each passing moment. Where my lover knows exactly what I'm thinking and feeling but we still have our differences. That would be ecstacy to me. So for you individuals out there...what is that certain thing that you wish you could have? No hate people! I dont want those comment fights. So yes....feedback! :D
August 10th, 2009 at 06:40am