If only...

See this woman right here?
I guess you could say she's my role model.

Not like I'm trying to be just like her. Hell, I'm only 19. What I mean is... When I'm old enough to have a family I want to be able to take care of them the way she takes care of Mr. Jonas, Kevin, Joe, Nick, and Frankie.

I don't know how she does it. For those of you who don't know, she and Mr. Jonas got married when they were both eighteen. They had Kevin at the age of twenty-one. After Kevin they had the other three boys. They lived in a miniscule house in New Jersey (once they finally "settled down" that is) where the boys had to share rooms.

When they first got married, after Kevin was born they lived with her parents in Arizona... At one point... in her interview with Good Housekeeping she says "We had to live on food stamps." This was when Mr. Jonas was trying to find a career in music. He decided to call that quits and "combine his Christian faith and love of music: directing a music program at his and Denise's old institute."

Their faith is what, to me, makes them the ultimate power couple. We all know that if it weren't for these two being such amazing parents, we wouldn't have the Jonas Brothers. None of us would know who Kevin, Joe, Nick, and Frankie are. We'd be without a hell of a lot of music (and posters and TV shows). It's all because of them and their faith in Nick's musical talent.

Mrs. Jonas is the one who drove Nick from Wyckoff to NYC for his Broadway shows. She's the one who looked for an agent for him after that day in the barber shop. She and Mr. Jonas are the ones who taught the boys how to sing and how to play instruments. Mr. and Mrs. Jonas are, essentially, the creators of the Jonas Brothers (figuratively and literally).

She is in the public eye now. Not as much as her sons but since she is their mother she will be mentioned. People approach her in stores. She and Mr. Jonas have been photographed when they've gone out privately. Their family doesn't get sucked into the La La Land life. They are strong. They are grounded.

With their twenty fourth wedding anniversary coming up, I found it only right to give a little tribute but my main point is Mrs. Jonas. When I am older I don't want to be just like her like I said earlier. I want to be somewhat like her. I want to be able to teach my children the same morals, same manners, same life lessons. If I'll be able to do all of it is the question because I doubt I will.

Sometimes, I want to meet Mrs. Jonas more than I want to meet Kevin, Joe, and Nick. It's true. They may be my heroes but she is my "role model".

Forget all those people most girls our ages want to meet. Forget Miley Cyrus. Forget Taylor Swift. Forget Demi Lovato (though I would want to meet her) and Selena Gomez. Forget the Twilight cast. Forget all those actors and actresses.

You want to know the number one person to meet on my list?
Mrs. Denise Marie Jonas.

End of story.

August 10th, 2009 at 06:56am