My Epic Battle With Writer's Block, A Tale Inside a Tale

When one is placed in a situation where one feels an uncontrollable urge to write, then one must.
However, sometimes obstacles stand in the way of the goal of writing to control your uncontrollable writing urge.
Some call it writer's block, I call it annoying. And because it is annoying I will do what I do to all annoyances in my life: I WILL PUT A STOP TO IT.
So goes the fight between me and Writer's Block:
Me: So, Mr. Block, it would seem you've run me into a corner where which thoughts just don't seem to flow as they should.
WB: Yes, I have. Are you ready to give up?
Me: NOT QUITE! You see, Sir Block, I said it would SEEM that you've run me into a thoughtless corner. But things are not always what they seem. Pay close attention to what I'm doing right at this very second.
*there is a slight pause*
WB: My God! You're bringing a story to life!
Me: You know it. And there's nothing you can do to stop me.
WB: Actually you didn't count on one thing, Ari Lollerskates
Me: And what, I might ask, is that?
WB: What makes a story interesting is a plot.
Me: HA! I have a plot! It's overcoming you!
WB: That's not a plot. It's a solution to a problem, which is all presented in a plot.
Me: *raises eyebrow*
WB: What you have is merely only one small piece in a puzzle, and as anyone would know, the puzzle is not complete without every piece intact.
Me: Well paint me blue and call me a Smurf! You're right!
WB: Hahaha I doth chortle at you.
Me: Chortle all ya want Blocky but this is NOT over yet.
WB: I do believe it is, seeing as I've defeated you with superior thinking.
Me: Not quite. Now you've given me a plot. Your all in my face, which is a problem. To which my solution ... wait ... no! I still don't have a plot!
Me: I've had enough of your chortling! Now then! I'm creating a setting for my plot ...
Me: The setting is an old dungeon.
WB: Cliche.
Me: And?
WB: If you were to right something cliche, you'd be betraying you'll whole lifestyle.
Me: ...Grrr. Fine. I'll make up something creative.
WB: Yeah sure you will.
Me: What's that supposed to mean?
WB: I just don't find you to be a very original person.
Me: ... oh really?
WB: Yuppers.
Me: Well then. I'll show you. the setting is a store that sells Shakespeare style pants, but the odd thing is, they aren't pants at all. They're cleverly sewn doilies. But no one has figured that out yet. It's all part of the League of Not-So-Extraordinary Old People's plot to use doilies as mind-control devices. Some call it clever, I call it a just a tad twisted. So these old people actually turn out not to be old people at all, but secret agents for the Moulin Rouge-
WB: Copyright.
Me: Excuse me?
WB: The Moulin Rouge. It's not yours.
Me: Who said MY Moulin Rouge is anything near to what the Moulin Rouge in the movie is like?
WB: Well I just assumed ...
Me: Well you assumed wrong. You see, Moulin Rouge is an acronym.


So in short they save their fellow elderly friends in Neverland Everyday.
WB: ...
Me: So yeah basically the are a league of not so extraordinary old people. And they live in Neverland.
WB: But you never grow up in Neverland.
Me: Who said my Neverland is THAT neverland? My Neverland is not NeverAGEland it's NeverDIEland which leads to a lot of old people. So these old people get caught in their doily scheme by non-other than a famous and hot band known as-
WB:Don't say My Chemical Romance
Me: Wouldn't think of it. I'm talking bout My Chemical Relationship, My Chemical Romance's long-time rival.
WB: I've never heard of them.
Me: That's why it's called fiction, smart one.
Wb: Whatever.
Me: So MCRelationship catches Moulin Rouge in the act. And they're arrested. But then MCRelationship realizes something.
WB: And what is that?
Me: They've been living in MCRomance's Shadow for far to long, and declare war.
WB: O_O What?
Me: Yo heard me. So the REAL and ORIGINAL MCRmy gear up for the war cause there ain't way we're letting our beloved band lose to some posers. But apparently MCRelationship has something similar to this known as their MCRyoucrazyman?! and they won't stand to let their band lose.
WB: ...MCRyoucrazyman?!..? Your making this up as you go.
Me: SHUSH! It's getting good now! So both bands decide it would be best not to drag the fans into this bloody war, and go at it on their own. And so it went something like this. Gerard and Gerald had a super crazy dance contesting, resulting in Gerald's feet falling off, therefore, our beloved G Way is victorious!
WB: ... feet falling off?
Me: So then Mikey and Micky start having an epic battle, but it gets interrupted by a brick wall, Mikey kicks it and it falls and crushes Micky. Mikey wins =D
WB: What does this have to do with defeating me?
Me: Patience! I'm getting to it! So Ray and Roy have a fro-off. Roy was actually pretty close to winning, but incidentally at that very moment a giant straightening iron fell from the sky and ruined his fro! It fell on Ray's too, but as we all know, Ray's fro is unstoppable. So that round went to MCR too.
WB: Well, 3 outta 5, they kinda already won.
Me: FOOL! *slaps*
WB: Ow!
Me: You think this all happened in perfect sequence, back to back?! NO! War does not work that way! It all happened at once! Ugh.
Wb: oh okay.
Me: So before I was interrupted by foolish tomfoolery, Bob and Rob got totally matrix and-
WB: Rob and Bob are technically the same name
Me: What if I told you Rob was short for Roberdobersin?
WB; That's not a name.
Me: Neither is Writer's Block.
WB: Tu shey
Me:So anywho, they fought and-
WB: Lemme guess, Bob won?
Me: No. Since it was all matrixy, Keanu Reeves stepped in and was victorious.
WB: So it was a tie?
Me: No. Keanu liked Bob's beard over Rob's mustache. So Bob won by popularity.
Wb: -_-
Me: So this brings me to Freddie and Frankie... the most epic of all ...
Wb: *slightly scared* What happened?
Me: Oh, just a staring contest. But Frank slapped Fred. Fred blinked. Frank laughed. End of story.
WB: Wow that was-
Me: which is what I would say if it WERE the end! But it wasn't. MCRelationship wanted a rematch. So the skittle war began.
WB: Does this story ever end?
Me: Yep. MCRomance just owned the mall again.
WB: Owned the mall?
Me: Sorry. Typo. They owned them all.
WB: Oh
Me: But they own the mall too.
WB: Which mall?
Me: Oh ya know, the mall that they own, in that place.
Wb: What place?
Me: Oh c'mon! Ya know! The one that people go to? To buy stuff and hang out? That mall!
Wb: ... oh that one ... *still confused, just changing subject*
Me: So. That's my story.
WB: But it wasn't about overcoming me.
Me: Yes it was. I wrote a story with a setting, a plot, characters, a problem and a solution. It even had a happily ever after. And it was creative.
WB: But it SPECIFICALLY wasn't about over coming me.
Me: This one was.
WB: Which one?
Me: The one I'm typing right now *smirk*
Wb: O.O Frik! You're good ...
Me: I know ;)
WB: I'll get you next time ...
Me: I'm sure you will.

So that is the story of my epic battle with Writer's Block ^^
I'm actually pretty proud of that XD As stupid as it is ...
August 11th, 2009 at 07:04am