Bully being nice revenge of the ex boyfriend dream

i was storming across that patch of grass in between F block and the road thingie, and chan was like behind me trying to get me to take him back so i stopped and spun around and said "NO! NOW GO AWAY!!!" and i turned to go to jack on the port racks (i could see him through the home ec window) and then chan grabbed my arm and swung me around and he's like "NO! YOUR MINE!" (or somthing like that) (for some reason i was wearing a formal shirt) and he ripped open my shirt and pinned me to the ground and shannon saw through the window and she came around and pulled him off me and did something to make him go away .... and then they wouldnt let me go home so i had to go to biology with a ripped open shirt and i had only just stopped crying and i was like sitting hunched over in my normal spot (front desk on the very right hand side nest to the window) and susie and clare were sitting on the other end of the table. and jordan saw that i was crying andall hunched over the desk so that no one could see my ripped shirt and mascara eyes, so he came and put his hand on my shoulder to comfort me but instead i shreaked and flinched away like he was going to hit me, and then i burst out crying and he was like wow .. anyways .. susie saw the whole thing and came and gave be a big hug and she smelled like roses so i stopped crying and then i woke up
August 11th, 2009 at 10:15am