Mkay so...

I just want to get this straight. Not that anyone will really read this, I just want to get it out.
I have smoked.
I have cut.
I have drank.
I have had a completely screwed up life which seems so long ago, but was really only about two months ago.
But I don't need to do those things anymore.
I am happy now.
I am not depressed anymore.
And that is probably really easy to see, but I felt the need to say it.
And all it took was one little thing to help me move on.
I am not heartbroken.
I am not pathetic and lonely.
I am not plastering smiles on my face.
I am not dead inside.
I am happily alive.
And I know that most of you never thought I was depressed, but that is just the mark of what a wonderful actress I am.
No one really knew except me.
And I never want to go back.
Now, that sounds very stereotypical. Whatever. It probably is.
So yes, you may say I am too young to have these revelations, or too young to really know what it's like, or too young to do stupid things that ruin my life, but my mind is pretty damn mature, and I'd like to say that most of my actions are. You wouldn't understand unless you knew me.
And looking back, I know that even if I ever get depressed again (which I probably will, by the way) I'm not going to take it the same way. Because I am really worth it. And I do have something to lose. And I never ever want to lose that.
So if I ever do, and become a depressed twonk again, I'll remember to try and look at the happy side (whatever the hell that might be). Because it's just not worth it to treat myself like shit. I deserve more. And so do any of you who might be reading this.
Now go ahead, leave comments telling me why I'm wrong. I'll listen, but I might not care.
Oh, and your comment might get deleted.
So yeah. Glad I got that out of my system.
August 12th, 2009 at 08:45pm