I. Hate. Bugs. [entry also includes: breakfast, books, Shakespeare, showering, marching band]

Last night as I was minding my own business in the bathroom getting ready for bed, this bug (which looked like a cross between a lightning bug and a giant ant) landed on my hand. I shrieked and then got some toilet paper to pick it up and squash it. When I touched it through the toilet paper, I felt a really bad burning sensation on my finger. It felt like the bug was burning my finger! I'm not kidding!! Then it flew on to my arm and I felt the exact same burn on my arm. It was really sharp hot pain. I swatted it to the floor and then grabbed a ton of toilet paper and smashed it.

Afterwards I had a mark on my finger from it, and the spot on my arm where it landed was swelling up a bit. It hurt like the dickens!

Why do bugs always seem to find me? Whenever we're marching outside for marching band, one of those huge bugs that fly always lands right on my saxophone. I'm probably really entertaining to the people around me because I always give a little shriek and swat it away, then shiver. [and I'm usually more reserved]. UGH!

Today I had killed a spider that was by our sink (after freaking out of course).

When I got in the car today to go to band practice, a leaf scittered down the front of the windshield and I only saw it out of the corner of my eye and thought it was a huge bug; I again freaked out.

I think I have issues. I wish bugs didn't bother me, I really do. I can't help it much though. I just don't like thier itty bitty, creepy crawler-ness. I also don't like the fact that some can burn you with their butts!!! (as I learned last night).


In other news: . . .
Chapter 9 of my story is updated. Check it out.

I made a smoothie this morning. It was REAL good!!

I have my book club meeting tonight. We're reading "The Twelfth Night" by Shakespeare at the moment. I still need to read Act II before 7:30 p.m.

Although I still enjoy reading fiction books, I'm going through a stage where I like reading non-fiction books right now. Not like information books but true stories and things like that. Here are a few that I've read/am reading/or will read:
A Million Little Pieces by James Frey [have read]
Lucky by Alice Sebold [have read]
My Friend Leonard by James Frey [am reading]
An Autobiography of a Face by Lucy Grealy [checked out from library, will read soon]
David Sedaris's essays (he's a funny guy)

One of the songs we're playing for marching band is "September" by Earth, Wind, & Fire; I decided to listen to the actual song on youtube, and it's really catchy. I like it.

I'm off to go take a shower because I didn't take one before practice.
August 13th, 2009 at 04:22pm