Kids Say the Darndest Things!

Every Thursday during the summer, I have a chance to help out my parents at our neighborhood vacation Bible school. And, in turn, this means I get to be around a bunch of cute little kids. Soooo...where I was going with this seemed to be the funniest Thursday of them all! So there's this one little boy who's like eight or something. He and this six-year-old kid were fighting over a toy and all of the sudden we hear this...

8-year-old: "YOU HAVE TO BE MY FRIEND!!!"

6-year-old: "NO I DON'T!"

8-year-old: "YES YOU DO!" least I thought it was funny :D

Then...there was this little convo between me and two 8-year-old girls. It went a little something like this...

Girl One: My boyfriend is sooo funny!!!

Me: *gives look that says: your eight and you have a girlfriend?*

Girl Two: Yeah, they really are boyfriend and girlfriend! He was my friend and I introduced them and she asked him to the church banquet!

Me: *turns around and laughs quietly*

Yeah, I just wanted to share that with you...because I got a kick out of it.

By the way, we're having a garage sale on Saturday and I can look forward to pricing junk all day tomorrow! Hooray! Just a bit of sarcasm for all of you.
August 14th, 2009 at 06:23am