Staying the Same

I read something about how most music artists always stay the same with their albums, how none of them change and if they do they usually go with what's slowly becoming popular in the music world.

A lot of these artists' music styles change between albums, I mean if they didn't would we have fans leaving and calling them sellouts, or these huge debates on why they changed and if it was for better or for worse?

Maybe some artists do stay relatively the same, or draw on scores or melodies from past songs/albums, but the majority of them do change. Maybe not in an entirely huge way, or something quite subtle, but there are differences with each album.

Probably the biggest change I've witnessed is the Panic! at the Disco change.
They scrapped a complete album before releasing Pretty.Odd. so in reality, they went from their freshman album to their junior album with no in-between.
That's a very talked about and debated, not to mention overly-used, example, but it does have maybe the most impact. They lost tons of fans and gained more with that album.
(My opinion, I like both. Pretty simple, they're both good in their own way,)

One thing I've noticed in the new Paramore single 'Ignorance' is that they do really take back things from Riot! The vocal melody in the beginning of the chorus is incredibly similar to that in 'Fences' as well as having the guitar solo seemingly based from the one in 'Misery Business.'
I think they're taking from the wrong album, yes they got big with Riot! but the vast majority of Paramore fans will tell you that their first and previous album is much better.
Kind of the opposite of what most bands do, get progressively worse than better, but it's just in how they work.
Just letting everyone know so I don't get hate comments saying I'm bashing Paramore, I'm not, I'm simply pointing things out, I like them, they're a decent band, I have both of their full albums on my iPod, just there is not one single band out there that is perfect. These are simply my opinions, so no bashing intended, promise. (:

Now that rant is over, I'd like to know your opinion, and it doesn't have to be on just Panic! at the Disco or Paramore, it can be on any band you feel sort of relates to this.
I'd love to hear how the rest of you Mibbians feel/think about this. (:
August 14th, 2009 at 12:02pm