Creative Chaos.

I'm bored as hell and I decided to write a blog about how mentally incapable I am of creating something at the moment. I feel limited in my creativity for some reason. Like, there's nothing to do. I've been writing stories lately as a hobby, but other than that... not much has really come to me. Like... I have artist's block or some shit. I'll think of something to draw and I can picture it and everything, but when I try to get it down on paper or poster board or whatever I want it on, it just fucks up. It gets all... BLAH! I have a million things running through my mind on things to draw, but I can't get it out. It's frustrating as hell. *sigh* I need to get out or something. I need new creative space. I guess for now, I'm stuck in my little unproductive cubicle. :(
August 14th, 2009 at 09:03pm