High School

With the days before my first year in High School becoming smaller, I am experiencing many things. To tell you the truth I am truly excited about entering high school. I don't know what it is that draws me toward it so much, but it's something strong. Maybe it's because I am this much closer to college, or my own house (and before you say anything, no I am not having family issues. I know your thinking that, but it's not true.), or maybe it's the self-sufficiency that a lifestyle calls for when you move out of your parent's house. I want to be self-sufficient, I don't want to keep asking my parent's for money to buy... anything really.

I have intense times of fear, though, but not long after am excited again, fear completely forgotten. I just wish I could put a finger on what it is that scares me so much about High School, I want to know too, but I just don't. I think the main reason I am so freaked is because I will only know three people at the High School I'm going to. One is my aunt who is also my counselor, one is my neighbor from down the street (she's going to be a Sophomore) and then this one guy who had the same English class as me last year. That's not many people, but I've never thought of myself as one to need hundreds of friends, honestly one or two are fine, but I've never really gone to a new school without knowing at least ten people. It's new to me, and as much as I welcome change, it's still scary.

I'm ready for High School, for the challenge, the chance to meet new people, but most of all for the experience.

I've been thinking (and you're probably thinking 'Oh no! She's thinking! That means another rant!' but I promise, this'll be short). Maybe I'll write journals about my High School Experience. I think I will. Or maybe not. Who knows?
August 15th, 2009 at 03:29am